Important Moving Legislature to Pass

Important Moving Legislature to Pass

Have you heard the news? Governor Murphy has recently made amendments to the Public Movers Act that affects moving companies who advertise or operate without a license issued by the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs. The law will become effective within the next 90...


On-Demand Service for the Moving Industry?! On-demand is the new customer expectation for EVERYTHING!  Customers want what they want when they want it.  Come on, don’t we all?  Think Amazon, Netflix, Uber and the list goes on and it grows every day.  No longer can one...

Good Works of Heroism; Driver 2

We would like to re Good Works of Heroism.  This is the touching story and reminder of Road Safety.  We all know how dangerous our roads have become with all the many distractions that surround us…this is a reminder of the importance of awareness and focus when you...

Moving Matters by Cindy Myer, Part 3

April  2016 — At the past 2 Chapter Meetings I’ve made a point of showcasing the “History in the Room.” Our Association is rich with Moving Companies that have been in business for almost a century. Some of the companies who attended the meetings and were...