A lot of raving fans of Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Movers) are familiar with the Center of Hope and Safety (previously Shelter Our Sisters). This is because we are huge supporters of this nonprofit organization’s mission to stop domestic violence and make the world a safer place. Not only do they have a 24-hour hotline in order to provide immediate help to those who are suffering, they also give victims a place to stay and rehabilitate themselves. As a result, Ridgewood Moving has proudly supported this organization for many years.


In celebration of the Center and Hope and Safety’s 39 long years of success, it’s holding an annual gala event and we want you to be there! CEO of Ridgewood Moving, Cindy Myer, will be in attendance at the gala as well. Below are some details about the event, courtesy of the Center for Hope and Safety’s website:

Annual Gala – Celebrating 39 Years!

The Venetian
546 River Drive, Garfield, NJ

Please Join Us and Our
2015 Distinguished Honorees

Anita L. Allen
Maryrose and William McInerney

NJ Department of Children and Families, Child Protection and Permanency, Bergen County Local Offices

Jack and Jill of America, Bergen-Passaic Chapter

Jane and Michael Murphy

The Woman’s Club of Ridgewood

Master of Ceremonies

Bill Ervolino
Columnist for The Record and author of
“Some Kind of Wiseguy.”

6:00 pm Cocktails and Silent Auction
7:30 pm Dinner

$160/person or Introduce a Friend* $250 for you and your friend

*Friend/Spouse must not be on our mailing list. Call the Development Office at 201-498-9247 x301 to make this reservation.

Are you interested in attending? Do you want to sponsor the event or place an ad in the Gala Journal? Then please click here. If you decide to do any of those things, you’ll be pleased to hear that your money will help sustain the Center for Hope and Safety and protect those in need! That makes this gala both a great event and a great cause. The gala starts on April 13, but please RSVP by April 7 if you plan on attending.

Are you a raving fan of Ridgewood Moving Services? Then leave us a testimonial or a review! You can do so on our testimonials page, Yelp, Google +, or Angie’s List. Every review helps us out, so please consider choosing one of the links above. Thanks for reading everyone!

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Cindy Myer Owner & President