Cynthia is not only a long-standing Chamber member and an active participant, she is an unstoppable philanthropist. She tirelessly gives her time to many causes such as Women United in Philanthropy, Souls4Souls and Center for Hope and Safety, not only as a participant but as a leader driving ideas, planning, recruiting and making things happen. Here are just a few of Cindy’s community outreach efforts:

  • Cindy is the founder of a program called “Move for Success”. The idea of this program came out of a conversation Cindy was having with the local college/university Presidents. She learned that many of their students could not afford professional attire for internships and job interviews. Cindy felt very strongly that their lack of means should not be the stumbling blocks for these students. She shared with the Presidents that she had once experienced a similar situation when interviewing interns for her company and ultimately had given the intern position to the one student that had come to the interview dressed in a business suit. Cindy, being in the moving business, realized she had the unique opportunity to assist her moving clients to purge their closets and donate to those students in need. The “Move for Success” program was launched at Bergen Community College in Paramus and is now expanding to other local colleges such as Felician College in Lodi. The on-campus boutique, at Bergen Community College, is housed in a classroom and is filled with the donated, business clothing for students to obtain at no charge. The boutique is for both young males and females where they can choose from suits, shoes, purses, even jewelry and neckties. The boutique is operated by students, which offers these students an additional hands-on learning opportunity right on campus.


  • Cindy has partnered her company with an organization called Making-It-Home. This organization is in collaboration with Bergen County’s Housing, Health and Human Services Center, part of the County’s Housing Authority, to furnish the apartments of formerly homeless people who are moving from the shelter to market-based apartments. She donates her time and trucks to pick up and transport donated furniture to a storage facility, then deliver it to those in need when they’ve leased a new apartment. She also works with individual households she is moving to get their unwanted furniture into the hands of those that need it, ensuring that those who are ready to make a fresh start will have basic furniture on which to sleep, sit, and eat giving formerly homeless individuals and families a start to what they need to thrive.


  • Cindy also is an avid supporter of Move for Hunger. She coordinates with her clients to donate their unopened non-perishables upon moving. Cindy donates her crew, trucks and the boxes needed to pack up the items and deliver them to the local food pantry.


  • Every year the communities of Saddle River, Upper Saddle River the Montvale School PTO, Bergen County Juniors, the Girl Scouts, and many other individuals from neighboring towns volunteer to collect and donate toys to the Paterson Toy Sale. Of course, getting the toys where they need to be could be an additional expense. And in comes Cindy! She volunteers her trucks and employees every year to transport the toys in time for the holidays!


On a more personal level, Cindy is generous of herself. You’re never left standing in a room when she’s there! She is not only an avid networker herself, but generously helps others network through referrals and introductions. I have served on committees with her, and she not only gives her time, but opens her network, her business (yes, she refers to herself as “The Box Lady” – always donating when needed) and her expertise in order to make a project successful. She joyfully gives freely of her time and makes a significant difference in everything she participates in.

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Cindy Myer Owner & President