Some of the most important parts of Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Movers) are the nonprofit organizations that we support. That’s why we make sure that our raving fans know about all events held by these kinds of organizations. This week, I’d like to highlight a special event from the Center for Hope and Safety.

The organization has often participated in The Allstate Foundation’s Purple Purse Challenge. Many people came together to lend their support last year, making the event a resounding success. Because of that, the Center for Hope and Safety was invited to participate in the event once more!


For those that are unaware, this is an online fundraising competition for domestic violence agencies. The agencies that raise the most money are selected to win cash prizes! That’s why we’re asking for your help. Please read the details of the event below, which are provided on the Center of Hope and Safety’s homepage:

Each week there is a contest and the contest winners are given a cash donation by the Foundation.  At the end of the challenge, the 10 DV agencies that raise the most amount of money during the Challenge are given prizes between $15,000 – $100,000 by the Foundation.  You can help us in the following ways:

–  Form a team to help us raise funds.  All the team has to do is share information about the Challenge that we will provide to you via email, social media and word of mouth.

– Raise funds for us and be part of our media campaign, “Where in Bergen County is the Purple Purse Today.”  We will come to you with the “official” purple purse, take a picture of you and we will share this with the media and on our social media and website. Please contact Jean Kirch to participate at [email protected] or 201-498-9247 x301

– Make a donation to us by clicking here.

If you would like to see the full, original post then please visit their homepage here. There, you can also learn more about the event and the organization itself if you choose to do so. Thank you for all of your continued support!

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Cindy Myer Owner & President