Here at Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving), we’re huge supporters of the nonprofit organization known as Move for Hunger. This is an organization that is dedicated to ending world hunger by filling food banks with nonperishable food items. Move for Hunger obtains this food by partnering with moving companies, like us, that have clients that have food they no longer need. If they are willing to donate their nonperishable food, the moving company can then use their trucks to transport the food to Move for Hunger or any local food banks.

This is something we are proud to do because we feel like we’re making a difference by putting our time and effort into such an amazing cause. This is why we always ask our clients to consider making a donation to the organization when they are moving: we want you to help too! Move for Hunger also spreads awareness about its goals by hosting regular public events where donations are accepted. We often cover these events on our blog for people that want to support the organization but may not necessarily be our client at the time.


Move For Hunger Logo


If you are not making a move any time soon or can’t make it to any of these events, please consider making a donation through its site. As a nonprofit organization, Move for Hunger needs all the help it can get to keep itself running. With the help of donations, Move for Hunger can continue to help keep food banks full and help provide food to those that truly need it. If this sounds like something you want to do, then please visit their website here. Even a small donation can go a long way to making a big difference!

For more information about Move for Hunger, you can read an overview on the organization here. If you want to keep in touch with events held by Move for Hunger and other nonprofit organizations, check our blog for weekly updates! We want to be more than just a moving company and help give back to the community, so we’ll be posting content like this regularly to help spread awareness.

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