The message below is from CEO Cindy Myer. She gives a fantastic look at the value of customer service shown at Wheaton-Bekins, the company that helps provide long distance moves with Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving). Cindy is the president of the New Jersey Warehousemen and Movers Association (NJWMA) as well, so she shows that good customer service could help establish all the moving companies in the group as legitimate movers as opposed to the rouge movers they fight against.


They say that people can “hear” a smile when talking to someone on the phone. I believe that is true. Being in a Service Industry, such as we are…one of the ways that we can stand out is to have outstanding customer service and make that part of your culture.

Recently, I had the displeasure of having to visit several doctors offices (and they say moving is stressful). First appointment of the day, I walk into the office where there are a few women sitting at desks behind the glass doors. Not one of them looked up as I stood there and when the first woman looked up, she looked annoyed, quickly pointed to the correct window and then looked away. I then stand in front of the correct window, the next woman looks up (no expression) and says “last name”, looks back down and says “take a seat, the doctor will see you shortly”. After about 30 minutes the nurse calls my name, walks me down to the examination room in silence, hands me the paper robe and says the same thing “the doctor will be in shortly”…. Closed the door and walks away.

Now I am sitting for another 15 -20 minutes thinking to myself, “What’s wrong with these people and what happened to customer service?” Like Moving, health care concerns can be stressful. What a difference it would have made if this occurred…………..
I walk into the doctor’s office and three women are sitting behind glass windows. One woman looks up and smiles and says “good morning, please check in with Sally at the first window”. Sally then opens her window smiles, and says “Good Morning, how can I help you today?” I give her my information and she says “Ok, Cindy..thank you for that, you are all set, please take a seat, the doctor is running about 15 minutes behind schedule…but help yourself to some coffee, magazines and we will get to you asap. And if there is any further delay we will let you know”. I am now relaxed drinking my coffee and catching up on all the latest fashions. After about 10 minutes, a nurse calls my name and says “Good Morning Cindy (with a smile), I’m Nurse Jackie, how are you today?” and makes small chit chat (calming my nerves) as we walk to the examination room. “The doctor is back on track and should be into see you right after his current patient, please use this robe and I will be back after your visit, meanwhile if you need anything I will be right around the corner.”

This is one example of many that we have all experienced. On the other hand, when we receive great customer service is like a “Halleluiah” experience. We appreciate it and want to shout about it off the roof tops.

Wheaton-Bekins corporate headquarters has every employees go through MAGIC, a customer service training that stands for Make a Great Impression on the Customers. It’s part of their culture and Core Values. No matter how mobile/technology driven we become, it still boils down to providing a service and experience for our clients…for whom we service. Core Values is the basis for which we make business decisions including hiring and firing employees. Creating a culture that provides exceptional customer service starts with bringing the right people to your team. After that, you work on ways to improve on that experience….., deliver the WOW….and say it with a smile.

Oh, and just as a side note…the doctor that I went to see was an “old friend” from years past and if you know me….I gave him a couple of suggestions on improving the “customer experience”, they invited me to his next staff meeting.

This is another way for us to stand out in a sea of “unlicensed” rogue operator and the land of mover- want-a bees”. NJWMA, an elite group of moving professionals………………

To all my sweet hearts out there…Happy Valentine’s Day!!

President NJWMA

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Cindy Myer Owner & President