Here at Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving), we support all kinds of nonprofit organizations that want to make a difference in the world. One of those nonprofit companies that we support is called Move For Hunger. When clients have nonperishable food items that they no longer need, we collect them and give them to Move For Hunger so it will go to starving families that need it!

Much like us, Move For Hunger also runs a fantastic blog to keep their fans up to date on the organization’s latest activities. If you haven’t checked it out before, I highly recommend that you give it a read by clicking here. There’s one recent post that Move For Hunger made in particular that’s really interesting called Moving Moments, which talks about how little things can make a big difference. Here’s a heartwarming anecdote from this post:

“One of our interns here at Move For Hunger works part-time at a restaurant near her hometown. At the end of each shift, she receives a free meal from the restaurant. On the ten-minute walk to her car, everyday our intern sees at least one or two homeless people sitting outside on a bench or the sidewalk. This past Sunday night, after a long day of work, our intern was walking back to her car with a delicious chicken sandwich and a side of fries, when one homeless man caught her eye: he looked hungry. She asked him if he had eaten that day. Quick to answer, the man said he hadn’t eaten in two days. On the spot, she gave him her hard-earned chicken sandwich and fries.


Moving forward, she has decided to do her part to fight hunger in her community: each evening after her shift at the restaurant, during her walk back to her car, she will give her meal to someone in need.

You are an inspiration to us all! #GOODMOVE


What a fantastic story! If you are Ridgewood Moving Services client, then you can make a kind gesture like this by donating your food as well. Ask anyone about Move For Hunger at our office and we will be glad to assist you. If you would like to see the full, original post then please click here. You can also learn more about Move For Hunger by visiting its homepage here.

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Cindy Myer Owner & President