Every year, Ridgewood Moving Services helps support the Paterson Toy Drive. The event, which runs completely on the toy donations sent by many amazing people, helps give kids in New Jersey something to look forward to. The selection of toys is always massive and the kids that attend can pick whatever they want to take home! It’s an incredible life-changing event that makes these kids happy, which is why many of them return each year for more toys!

Recently, we had the 2015 Paterson Toy Drive come to an end. Not only was it a resounding success, the fact that the event has officially ran for over 30 years at this point is a testament to the love and care put into it every year. We help collect donations and bring them to the event with our trucks, but we’re just a small piece of the puzzle. There are so many people, including those who donated, that work hard to give this toy drive the magic it deserves. Shout out to everyone who helped make this happen!

Missed the event? We have some photos from the event that are worth taking a look at! This will give you an idea of what the event looks like for the kids that attend. If you find yourself interested, then you’re welcome to help us out next year!

Look at all the toys we collected! Our Ridgewood Movers are using our own trucks to transport the toys to the event.

Look at all the toys we collected! Our Ridgewood Movers are using our own trucks to transport the toys to the event.

Ryan is happy to be here!

Our mover Ryan is happy to be here!

There are a lot of toys that were donated. Thank you to everyone that generously donated them!

There are a lot of toys that were donated. Thank you to everyone that generously donated them!

CEO Cindy Myer and Alexandra Cabrera at the toy drive with the kids attending!

CEO Cindy Myer attended the event, along with Alexandra Cabrera and her kids!

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