Greetings Friends and Colleagues,

It is my sincerest privilege to serve the NJWMA as President for the next two years. I am honored and excited to be the first woman from a long list of amazing men predecessors. And I will say, as a Woman entering the Industry 10 years ago, I have never been made to feel anything less than a welcomed part of the team. This is a unique Industry with a lot of friendly competition but also genuine camaraderie.

We have a new Chairman of the board, Mark Quinn. Mark led a very effective term as president, was a gracious ambassador for our Association and definitely moved the needle. Mark showed great listening skills and took action paving the way for website growth, lead generation, rogue operator movement and some crazy karaoke singing. Thank you for an inspiring 2 years. You are a true professional and I’m proud to call you my friend.

We will continue the great efforts made by this Association and Board to educate the consumers and legislators of the risks of using unlicensed Rogue Operators. We are very close to having Senate bill S3205 passed. This bill was designed to protect consumers and put serious pressure and fines on the Rogue’s. We look for your continued support and conversation to keep this momentum going.

One of my goals…… is to increase positive Public Relations. Has anyone seen the Optimum commercials? They are funny, but really poke’s at the Industry in a very negative way. I often say that we are the most under-appreciated Industry for all the truly important work that we do….. Moving peoples lives!! We will accomplish this through our Website, Press Releases, Community Outreach and Social Media sites.

As we Move on to a new year, I am looking forward to seeing and meeting you at our upcoming Chapter Meetings and annual convention. These gatherings are our time to catch up, share common issues and communicate thoughts and ideas. Meanwhile, I’d love to hear from you, please feel free to connect with me anytime……

Best of Everything,

Cynthia A. Myer
President NJWMA
[email protected]

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Cindy Myer Owner & President