One of the many nonprofit organizations we support at Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving) is called Move For Hunger. We help collect nonperishable food items that were donated by our clients and give them to Move For Hunger, which helps distribute it to families that need food!

However, we’re only one piece of the puzzle. There are many people that help this nonprofit organization, including the students at Monmouth University. Even though the new freshmen were busy preparing for their upcoming semester at orientation, they still found time to collect 343 pounds of nonperishable food items for donation! Take a look at this amazing story, which was originally posted on Move For Hunger’s blog.

Throughout the month of July, incoming first year students at Monmouth University experienced a two day New Student Orientation to learn about the University, and meet their fellow classmates. At New Student Orientation students toured the campus, experienced a live class, and most importantly: they fought hunger.

College Logo

Non perishable food items were collected from incoming first year students from July 3rd to July 22nd and were delivered to the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties by Lowy’s Moving Service, a partner of Move For Hunger. In total, Monmouth University’s New Student Orientation collected 343 pounds of food for the hungry!

With nearly 126,000 individuals who struggle to find their next meal in Ocean and Monmouth County, Monmouth University’s food drive will be making a difference by fighting hunger and providing meals to those in need.

What a great story! It’s amazing to see students taking time out of their busy schedules to help those that are less fortunate and make a difference in the world. If you want to help too, don’t forget that we will take your nonperishable food items as donations for Move For Hunger if you move with us! If you would like to see the full, original post then please click here. You can also learn more about Move For Hunger by visiting its homepage here.

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Cindy Myer Owner & President