Earlier in the month, we at Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving) pointed out some ways to reduce food waste in your own home. This was done to show that you could make a difference with nonprofit organizations like Move For Hunger without participating in a food drive. Today, we want to show you how corporations can help join the fight to end world hunger by doing the same thing: reducing food waste!

According to Move For Hunger, 222 million tons of food go to waste in industrialized countries like ours. A large part of this is caused by supermarkets, who throw out damaged, expired, or surpluses of food items that are still safe for people to eat! WeFood, a supermarket in Denmark, is changing this habit by selling all the items that would have been discarded otherwise.

This is an amazing story written by Sara Guerra that we found on Move For Hunger’s blog. If you want to read the whole story, please click here. Here’s a snippet of information about the good that WeFood is doing for its community:

The food they sell includes expired food, damaged food, or any surplus in general. As long as the food is still edible and safe, WeFood wants to sell the food that grocery stores would have thrown out.


WeFood was started by a non-profit organization. The new supermarket hopes to decrease the annual 700,000 tons of food waste in Denmark, while offering inexpensive shopping options to the people in their community.

The supermarket already has an agreement with one of the country’s biggest grocery chains for bread, butchers, and fruit.

If you want to learn more about Move For Hunger and its mission, you can visit their homepage here. Move For Hunger can use all the support it can get, so if you decide to move with us, please consider donating your nonperishable food items to us! We help collect these food items and transport them with our trucks to food banks in New Jersey.

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