You know what’s incredible? This is the 100th blog post that I have written for Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving)! I started out as an intern here a year ago and fell in love with the company because of the amazing welcoming employees and their dedication to helping out their clients. I also really like that we’re supporters of numerous nonprofit organizations, such as Move For Hunger and the Center for Hope and Safety, making us more than just a normal moving company.

I’ve always enjoyed blogging for Ridgewood Moving, but I never imagined I’d write 100 different posts! I’m really impressed that I’ve done this much work for the company and it’s all thanks to the raving fans that support us every day. Your love for the company is truly inspiring and we appreciate all the testimonials that you send in.

If you are new to the site, I’ve compiled a list of ten of my favorite blogs to introduce you to our content. This is a great way to see what we’ve accomplished and what we stand for as a company. Check it out:

  1. First Week At Ridgewood Moving Services!

Not only does my first post perfectly show my enthusiasm for getting a job at Ridgewood Moving Services, it also captures what makes the company so special. When I started working here and was greeted by the lovely team, I knew this was more than just a regular moving company. I think this is important because I was able to grasp why our raving fans like Ridgewood Moving Services while on the job.

  1. RMS Best Practices

This post shows one example of how we train our employees. We had two different groups of movers compete to see who can come up with the best and worst practices that an employee could perform on the job. This was a great learning experience for new movers that are just starting with us for the first time! Find out what each team came up with by checking out the post.

  1. Video: Packing Demonstration

I can talk all day about how good our professional employees are at their jobs, but unless you’ve already used our services, you would have to take my word for it. However, you can now see it for yourself through an in-depth video that explains our packing process. You may even learn a thing or two by watching!

  1. Retrospective: Notable Ridgewood Moving Services’ Awards

We’ve been recognized through a ton of awards because of the superior moving service we provide in comparison to other companies. As a result, we’re considered to be one of the best moving companies in New Jersey! Check out this post to see the biggest awards we’ve earned.

Movers All

  1. December Testimonials (Retrospective)

The biggest reason why we’ve been able to stay in business for about 50 years is because we’ve received so much support from our raving fans! You can see this support for yourself on our blogs, where we dedicate a post every month to the testimonials we receive from clients! This particular post chronicles some of the best testimonials we received last year.

  1. March Testimonials – Twitter Edition

While this is just another example of a testimonial post we’ve done, this is definitely a special one! As you may have guessed, this post is different because all of the testimonials come from Twitter. This goes to show that our fans can be found on any kind of outlet on the Internet!

  1. Interview: Christina Lowe

Ever wanted to learn more about the people that work at Ridgewood Moving Services? Here’s an interview I did with Christina Lowe, a moving consultant, when she first started working for the company! If you’re calling to coordinate a move, there’s a good chance that you’ll be speaking with her.

  1. Why You Should Donate Food to Move For Hunger

Did you know that we work with nonprofit organizations like Move For Hunger? If you go on a move with us and have nonperishable food that you no longer need, you can choose to donate it to us so your food can go to hungry families. This blog post will give you some great reasons for why you should participate in this program!

  1. Interview: Trish McAleer from the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge

Aside from Move For Hunger, we also support other kinds of nonprofit companies that are within our community. That’s why I spoke with the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge about their work as an Animal Refuge and Adoption Center. They are looking for items like blankets for their animals, so please show them your support!

  1. 2014 Photo Slideshow Retrospective

For our Christmas party, I compiled a slideshow that shows our achievements in 2014. You can see it yourself in this blog post, making this a great retrospective post for anyone interested in learning about our past.


Are you a raving fan of Ridgewood Moving Services? Then leave us a testimonial or a review! You can do so on our testimonials page, Yelp, Google +, or Angie’s List. Every review helps us out, so please consider choosing one of the links above. Thanks for reading everyone!

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Cindy Myer Owner & President