September 2017 Testimonials

Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving) is a New Jersey moving company that often receives an excess of positive testimonials from our clients. As a result, we love to post them right here on our blog to share them with our readers. This week, we’ll be...

August 2017 Testimonials

Here at Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving), a New Jersey moving company, we always receive a lot of reviews after our clients move with us. These are our raving fans, our biggest supporters that motivate us to provide the best moving service we possibly can...

June Blog Roundup

We wrote a lot of great stories in the past month on our blog! We made posts about some fantastic testimonials from our raving fans, a Center For Hope and Safety event about empowering victims of domestic violence, a touching story about how college kids came together...

Cindy Myer Featured in Rio Vista Magazine

The following is an article that originally written in Rio Vista magazine, a local publication in Mahwah. Everyone here at Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving) is very proud of Cindy for being featured in this article. Congratulations! Cynthia (Cindy) Myer is...

November 2016 Testimonials

Welcome to this month’s installment of testimonials! When we receive an excess of positive testimonials in a month, we highlight some of our biggest raving fans. We rely on our fans to spread the word about Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Movers), so thank you to...

RMS Best Practices

At Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Moving), we pride ourselves on the high quality service that we provide to our customers. Because of this, we’ve been able to cultivate a big following of raving fans that have kept us in business for almost 50 years! Our...

November 2014 Testimonials

Every month, we receive amazing testimonials from our raving fans that have used us in the past. Our primary sources of testimonials come from our testimonials page, Yelp, Google +, or Angie’s List. The testimonial below is one that we received this month on our...

Interview: Christina Lowe

A few months ago, I interviewed Alexandra Pico-Cabrera and got to learn a lot about who she is as a person and an employee at Ridgewood Moving Services (Ridgewood Movers). I really enjoyed interviewing her because I was able to get a better understanding of the kind...

Providing a Moving Estimate

Today, I was lucky to shadow Steve Dalzell as he went to give Laura, a potential client, an estimate on her move. Laura originally wanted to move in June, but we couldn’t accommodate her because we’re booked for the entire month. Despite receiving estimates from other...